

ΚROS training material in road safety topics


Distraction (Activity 1) Distraction (Activity 1)

Distraction (Activity 1)

0 2314 Material rating: 5.0


  • Show students what are the main forms of distraction while driving or as pedestrian
  • Inform them about statistics regarding distraction as a cause of road traffic accidents
  • Mobile phone use and music as main distraction factors


Distraction (Activity 2) Distraction (Activity 2)

Distraction (Activity 2)

0 922 Material rating: 5.0
OBJECTIVES To raise awareness on the weaknesses of human senses and its impact on road safety. To remind the participants how the human senses work and how they influence behaviour in traffic. To familiarize the students with different forms of approaching road users. To expand critical thinking and creativity (skills to use designing tools). To strengthen the skills of...

Distraction (Activity 3)

0 900 Material rating: 5.0
OBJECTIVES Show students what are the main forms of distraction while driving or as pedestrian Inform them about statistics regarding distraction as a cause of road traffic accidents ...



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