

Event date: 7/20/2020 Export event
KROS VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL 2020 (20-24 July 2020)

KROS summer school was successfully completed after 5 days of online trainings and workshops on road safety issues, with the participations of teachers from Greece, Poland, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Brazil, Nigeria and the UK.

Road Safety experts from Greece, Poland and Ireland joined forces with school teachers during the project to design, develop and validate an innovative professional development program for supporting the in-service training of teachers on topics related to Road Safety education as a whole school approach.

Some of the Summer School topics where: ‘Introducing Road Safety at the School Curricula: A whole school approach to Road Safety education’, “The Open Schooling Roadmap and Approach’, Children, Adolescents and Road Safety: the most vulnerable road users, Sustainable and active mobility – promoting safe cycling in schools, Drink Driving & Distraction, Emotions in Traffic, Incorporating STEM activities for teaching Road Safety and Digital Literacy: tools and methodologies for teaching Road Safety.

KROS Teachers will be able to play an important role in integrating road safety issues in the school curriculum, by engaging parents and affect students attitudes, implementing best practices and tools for professionals working with and for children adapted to their age and stages of development and thus improving the quality of their teaching while endorsing innovative methods and digital integration in teaching.





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