

Kros Accelerator

The Open Schools for Open Societies (OSOS) project has been running since 2017. It started as a Horizon 2020 CSA project and it has managed to bring together thousands of schools and teachers around Europe. To be more exact, the OSOS Portal now host 1168 Schools, 2206 Teachers, 1157 Innovative Projects, 114 Communities and 68 Accelerators. KROS is one of these 68 Accelerators. An OSOS Accelerator is a best practice on which innovate projects can be based on. It’s main function is to provide European Teachers with innovative ways to explore the world: not simply to automate learning plans but to inspire, to engage and to connect with other schools, teachers and students around the world. It supports therefore, the development of innovative and creative projects and other educational activities.

As an OSOS Accelerator, KROS offers an excellent opportunity to open-minded teachers and leaders to attempt to turn their school in to a hub for scientific knowledge transfer. In particular, schools with the support from local stakeholders, such as the participating Road Safety Institutes, could organise events in which the students assume the role of experts informing the public on Road Safety guidelines and latest technologies and busting myths around driving that effect the behavior of drivers of all ages. Projects that are being created from the KROS Accelerator could focus on guiding students in becoming Road Safety Experts themselves, designing and organising such an event or campaign. Furthermore, the amazing 24 Activity Sheets that KROS has managed to create and offer in English, Spanish, Greek and Polish, will be available to the vast network of OSOS users which will not only intensify KROS’ impact in European schools but also ensure its sustainability after the end of the project since all data in OSOS are freely distributed. Teachers of other countries could provide translations in new languages and could also update, improve or even create new Activity Sheets and Projects within the OSOS Portal. Through the KROS Accelerator teachers work together with the community, such as parents, businesses and policy makers to transforming their students to more responsible citizens. This commitment of the community to a school has many advantages. The community may support students and teachers inside, but also outside the school. These collaborations may help teachers to be more up-to-date with their own subject and to get more inspired by good examples from practice. Finally, Teachers will get more motivated and inspired students in Road Safety issues and other related subjects.





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