

Final KROS project International event (online) 08.02.2021

Final KROS project International event (online) 08.02.2021

The final international training event of KROS project, organized by Road Safety Institute (RSI) “Panos Mylonas’ took place on 8th of February 2021 and was held online. More than 100 teachers from all over Europe and globally participated at the event (Greece, Austria, Poland, Ireland, Spain, Romania, Cyprus, Portugal, Philippines).

The event welcomed RSI President, Mrs. Vassilik Danelli Mylona, followed by an overview of the KROS project and the theoretical back ground of the project, presented by RSI. The intellectual outputs of the project were presented by the project consortium.The Virtual Reality (VR) KROS application was presented by Omegatech and the Road Safety Academy by Poland’s Motor Transport Institute (ITS). The second part of the event was about KROS training material, namely KROS activity sheets, a training material were teachers can use in their classrooms in order to teach various road safety issues (speeding, sustainable and active travel, alcohol use, seat belt use, etc). All KROS training material can be found at KROS website .

Finally, schools from the KROS Network of Pilot schools presented the projects they have created using KROS training material with the students, as examples of good practice. Schools from Greece, Austria and Poland presented their projects, that can be also found at KROS website (

All school projects were of high standards and quality and useful material for anyone interested to include road safety at schools. As special award was given to the Unified Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum (ENEEGYL AIGALEO) for their project on distraction ‘ Walking safaly’ (  for their devotion and active participation to KROS project since the beginning of the project and for their excellent work.

RSI would like to thank each teacher and student that participated at the KROS Project in these difficult times of the pandemic and managed to create great road safety projects despite all odds. Your work is inspiring and helps us keep working on our vision for a world without traffic accidents!





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